Saturday, August 07, 2004

And his days are numbered................

The vet called this morning with bad news on the line. They said that David had cancer liver cancer and it has reached the final stages. The lumps on his body were swollen lymph nodes. They asked if we want to put it down to lessen his sufferings. I cannot bring myself to make any decision. Yes he is suffering, but i know that he is happy at home and with us right now. Even if the days are number, i got a feeling that he wants to stay around at home and with us until his time. I cannot bring myself to say that we shall put it to sleep. He will be so disappointed with us if we do that. He starts to drink water now but still doesn`t eat anything. It tries to sleep but always not for long. I think he is too much in pain to sleep, or maybe doesn`t want to sleep at all. Though painful, he still walks around the house limping around. Thats how active my dog is ....... he just cannot sits still. His face is more swollen today. He used to have a very porportionate face and everybody that sees him calls him a very handsome dog. Now he is such a sorry sight. My only hope now is that he will spend his remaining time with us happy and loved.

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