Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Once upon a time....

Once upon a time i believed in myself.....

now i feel that i am sailing into uncharted waters everyday ...

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Uni Life....

sadly, sometimes uni life is not a test on yur knowledge or skills but rather on your resourcefulness and your ability to cheat.

Monday, March 21, 2005

I HATE ants!!!!!!!! argh!!! pui~~~~

So long since blogged. Have been terribly busy these days....

Recently, my hall seemed to have an influx of insects. Mosquitoes, flies, lizards, praying mantises, moths.... you name it i have it. Now i might sound like a disgusting pig with a dirty room but mind you. I DO CLEAN my freaking room often man. Talk about moping with detergent and wiping surfaces. My hall is nice but it also sucks at the same time. Its so damn dusty. I just mopped a few days ago and guess what? The floor felt like silo beach now. I just wipe the table top and there is a layer of dust on it now. There is dust on my notes, dust on the printer, dust on the table top, dust on my bed. Even right now there is fucking DUST on my LAPTOP LCD SCREEN>........................!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARGH i can't stand it!!!!!!!!

What about insects? The other day, as i was trying to study for my coming midterms a baby mantis flew in and landed on my notes. We spent a few mins staring at each other before it flew off, leaving behind some shit and not to mention pee on my notes!!! There is a stain when i clean off his shit. DAmn !!! what is this man!! Either i am damn suay or i am si bei suay.

Just now, i was feeling thirsty. So instinctively, i took my bottle and took a huge gulp of water. Hmm... seemed like the water taste funny. Can't be, i changed it only 3 hours ago. I turned to look and to my Horror......................
THERE IS MORE IN MY MOUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i immediately ran outside and spitted all the water out to the corridor. Then i felt them crawling in my throat!!! NO.....!!!!!! SHIT!!!

I spent the next few mins in the toilet rinsing my mouth.

Damn...I hate ants, I HATE ANTS!!!!!!! There are so many ants crawling around in my room. I wonder where they come from man. Even now as i was typing this, i am killing ants. Argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!