Friday, September 16, 2005

Curse of the perfectionist.

Just spent more than an hour editing a simple question to be emailed to the tutor. Sigh, why am i always so critical of my own work as well as others? Sometimes i think that if i could just let go, i would have been a very different person. Maybe i wouldn't even take engineering at all and pursue something that i am truly interested in, like History or Philosophy..... I used to be very interesting in Archaeology. I would watch many documentaries as well as read many books on the ancient egyptians, the greeks as well as the roman empire. But there is really nothing to dig here on this island. Faced with passion and practicality, i would always choose to be practical. Afterall, ultimately, we need money in our wallets and food on our table. Passion in our heart is always good, but it won't fill your stomach.....

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