Been neglecting this blog. Don't have the time really. HAhah... my aNUS shit hole is fast filling up! I really have alot of shit to clear man... (refer to previous post)To those reading... dun get offended by that aNUS post. Its meant to be HUMOUROUS... and aNUS is some instituition that i came up with in my boundless imagination. If u are offended, then stop reading my blog and get the hell outa here. :P
Nowadays must be very carefull everywhere man. Walk outside kena mosquito bite also can die.... blogging write too sensitive, too liberal or even sometimes jus speaking yur mind can get charged and u can die too.... So many ways to die man. Life is so short.
ok i am talking crap. I am blogging now because the program i was writing has this irritating logical error that i cannot solve. So i thought that taking a break would be good.
My room in PGP is good. Its well shaded from the sun at all times of the day. The only thing is, it smell like someone just piss in it when i first moved in and it still does even though i have been mopping it regularly. I wonder who the previous tenant was... Must be....... ########.
Time to buy some air freshener......
Friday, September 30, 2005
Monday, September 19, 2005
Hostel application successful...
Yeah... never been so happy man. No more 1.5 hour bus rides, no more 3 demerit hours everyday, no more squeezing up the bus, no more stupid 151.....
I got a room in PGP block 28. Shall not publish the room number jus in case some people wanna set fire. One thing about PGP, on the outside, it looks like a high class condominium. On the inside??? It looks like some construction worker quarters. HAhah!!! Its rather small, with peeling walls. And from the looks of it, i guess making the windows a little bigger for ventilation is an expensive affair. Fan looks painfully close to the ceiling, resulting in such a crappy aerodynamics that granted it ineffective.
WHO CARES!!!! whahahaha....... They are gonna repaint the walls today. And i am gonna move in tonight.
I got a room in PGP block 28. Shall not publish the room number jus in case some people wanna set fire. One thing about PGP, on the outside, it looks like a high class condominium. On the inside??? It looks like some construction worker quarters. HAhah!!! Its rather small, with peeling walls. And from the looks of it, i guess making the windows a little bigger for ventilation is an expensive affair. Fan looks painfully close to the ceiling, resulting in such a crappy aerodynamics that granted it ineffective.
WHO CARES!!!! whahahaha....... They are gonna repaint the walls today. And i am gonna move in tonight.
Friday, September 16, 2005
Never ending shit...
Life in uni....
You start each sem with a sense of "anticipation". You fondly recall getting fustrated with Cors during the inital days, then rush to ballot for tutorials maybe for the next 2 weeks. Then come week4 , shit starts accumulating and before u know it, you sleep less, eat irregular meals, feel irritatable, miss home, miss gf ..... blah blah blah..... coz u always have never ending shit to do.
Not difficult to visualise??? Well i just came out with an analogy and some illustration.

Imagine a pit, not too deep, not too shallow either. Actually the depth depends on individual. (refer to illustration). Above this shit pit, is yur beloved aNUS. Yep, its shaped like an asshole, reason being that its there to make yur life difficult. So this aNUS have never ending shit, and the shit jus starts to accumulate in the pit....... So now u come into the picture. You don't want the pit to be overflowing with shit, so u desperately try to clear it daily with yur shovel. Now, the rate if shit coming down from that asshole increases with each week, so u must clear it as fast as you can...... Here there are 3 kinds of people.
The hardworking geeks.
These guys are damn efficient at clearing the shit. Somehow they got the stamina and seem to defy sleep as well. Some of them are even able to see the bottom of the pit and dig it deeper somemore. If they are helpful, they might even come to your shit hole and help you clearup abit.
Ordinary individuals
These guys are hardworking but not efficient enuff at shit clearing. Hence, sometimes they do get overwhelmed by too much shit from aNUS. However, eventually, through hardwork, perserverence, constant rantings and some help from friends, they managed to maintain the level of shit a reasonable level. ( They dun get their feet full of shit )
These are the simply bo chup type. They clear shit for 1 day, rest for 3 days. Soon the shit overflows and they get overwhelmed. They tried desperately to clear but its too late. They drown. Soon, aNUS just comes over and help you "Da Bao" those shit to the next sem, into a brand new shit pit where they can start anew. (hopefully)
Warning... never fall into this category.
Sounds tough??? Fret not. You have a trump card at hand. Every sem, aNUS will have sudden diarrhoea and let off a whole lump of shit. Then it will go to sleep for the next four days. Don't ask why its 4 days... its dumb..... yeah.... So for the next four days, you can quickly clear all the shit so that u can have a easier time for the rest of the sem. yea????
So happy shit clearing guys....
You start each sem with a sense of "anticipation". You fondly recall getting fustrated with Cors during the inital days, then rush to ballot for tutorials maybe for the next 2 weeks. Then come week4 , shit starts accumulating and before u know it, you sleep less, eat irregular meals, feel irritatable, miss home, miss gf ..... blah blah blah..... coz u always have never ending shit to do.
Not difficult to visualise??? Well i just came out with an analogy and some illustration.

Imagine a pit, not too deep, not too shallow either. Actually the depth depends on individual. (refer to illustration). Above this shit pit, is yur beloved aNUS. Yep, its shaped like an asshole, reason being that its there to make yur life difficult. So this aNUS have never ending shit, and the shit jus starts to accumulate in the pit....... So now u come into the picture. You don't want the pit to be overflowing with shit, so u desperately try to clear it daily with yur shovel. Now, the rate if shit coming down from that asshole increases with each week, so u must clear it as fast as you can...... Here there are 3 kinds of people.
The hardworking geeks.
These guys are damn efficient at clearing the shit. Somehow they got the stamina and seem to defy sleep as well. Some of them are even able to see the bottom of the pit and dig it deeper somemore. If they are helpful, they might even come to your shit hole and help you clearup abit.
Ordinary individuals
These guys are hardworking but not efficient enuff at shit clearing. Hence, sometimes they do get overwhelmed by too much shit from aNUS. However, eventually, through hardwork, perserverence, constant rantings and some help from friends, they managed to maintain the level of shit a reasonable level. ( They dun get their feet full of shit )
These are the simply bo chup type. They clear shit for 1 day, rest for 3 days. Soon the shit overflows and they get overwhelmed. They tried desperately to clear but its too late. They drown. Soon, aNUS just comes over and help you "Da Bao" those shit to the next sem, into a brand new shit pit where they can start anew. (hopefully)
Warning... never fall into this category.
Sounds tough??? Fret not. You have a trump card at hand. Every sem, aNUS will have sudden diarrhoea and let off a whole lump of shit. Then it will go to sleep for the next four days. Don't ask why its 4 days... its dumb..... yeah.... So for the next four days, you can quickly clear all the shit so that u can have a easier time for the rest of the sem. yea????
So happy shit clearing guys....
Curse of the perfectionist.
Just spent more than an hour editing a simple question to be emailed to the tutor. Sigh, why am i always so critical of my own work as well as others? Sometimes i think that if i could just let go, i would have been a very different person. Maybe i wouldn't even take engineering at all and pursue something that i am truly interested in, like History or Philosophy..... I used to be very interesting in Archaeology. I would watch many documentaries as well as read many books on the ancient egyptians, the greeks as well as the roman empire. But there is really nothing to dig here on this island. Faced with passion and practicality, i would always choose to be practical. Afterall, ultimately, we need money in our wallets and food on our table. Passion in our heart is always good, but it won't fill your stomach.....
Saturday, September 10, 2005

Seemed like my body has something against lactose.... Whenever i drank milk or take any dairy products, i am sure to lau sai ( meaning a penomena where your shit comes in liquid form and you are literally pissing shit..... )
The only form of milk i can take is the condensed milk, evaporated milk or HL milk. Meaning that there is something about lactose that makes mi piss shit.
Sigh.... hopefully there is a way around this as i really like milk. Haha... you can say i am willing to piss shit for some milk or ice-cream. :P
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Programming blues....
Rock and roll..........
My brain isn't working at 12am... so i figured that i shld clear up some of the mess in my room. And i found these.....
Yes!!! they are my drum sticks!!!! Bought them when i was in JC two. And guess what, i broke it on the very same day that i bought it. So the the tip was actually superglued together and it still works fine. Superglue is good. Well, that day, Shiyu and Derrick's guitar amps were beside my ear. And their guitars were so damn loud that i couldn't really hear what i was playing. And the harder i hit the drum skins, the louder they crank up their guitars. Erm.... you get the idea......
So what happened next is that i hit the cymbals so hard that the tip of the drum stick broke O_0
Actually i couldn't really play the drums. I only know a few basic beats. Derrick and Shiyu can play the guitar better than me so i end up behind the drums. LOL. But i really like being the drummer :P
Next i found these......

So what happened next is that i hit the cymbals so hard that the tip of the drum stick broke O_0
Actually i couldn't really play the drums. I only know a few basic beats. Derrick and Shiyu can play the guitar better than me so i end up behind the drums. LOL. But i really like being the drummer :P
Next i found these......
My guitar picks in all different colours and thickness........ I used to have a transparent one which was my favourite. Coz it feels just right, not too stiff and not too flabby. Too bad its lost now. So now i use the blue one.
And my guitar..........
Its such a long time since i played anything on it! I wonder if i still can play................. Bought this from peninsular plaza 3-4 years ago. Not a bad guitar for its price. Has rather weak pickups thou.......
Have a sudden urge to jam.................
Time to download some tabs....
Monday, September 05, 2005
TIps for doing undergraduate labs
Feeling extremely drained and tired. Just completed my 3rd lab report for the past 7 days!!!! ArGh!!!! I hate doing lab reports. Even copying them takes up alot of time. If you haven't done lab reports before.... here are some tips on getting that damn thing done!
1. Be Prepared
Nothing is more horrifying coming to lab unprepared. Forget about reading the lab manual first. The very first thing you should do is to go through your phone book and call yur friendly seniors. Ask them for their lab reports!!!!! Get those with hight marks, ie at least 8.5 and above! Don't be a dumbass and get one that is 6/10. Then wonder how come your own report has a below average grade. With the report, you can have some reference before u start reading that damn manual. Its as difficult as reading some ancient arabic scriptures. trust me!!!
2. During the lab.
Your lab TA is most probably some useless piece of shit. They all have something in common. Their oral skills in english absolutely sucks to the core. In army, they refer to such people as speaking with a **** in their mouth. Those da lu ppl talk damn loudly on the bus and public places but when it comes to giving instructions or doing a briefing, they speak like mice. As for glks..... most are too lazy to chup you.
Some common mispronoucations you should get used to.....
i) sickness = thickness
" the par-meter t is sickness of the wirar.... "
ii) paradise = parallel
" as you can see, these two wira are paradise..."
iii) repeat = Vb
" u must take the readin for repeat ...."
iv) Cast = ask ; anything = eating
" eating you dunno, can cast me..... "
Well the list is non-exhausive. You will learn more along the way as you go thru more lab sessions. Talk about foreign talent huh....... They always argue whether they make the pie bigger or take away the iceing. In my point of view, most of them would make a good cheesepie !
3) Copy every shit from the whiteboard.
Yes!!! very important. Take a photo of it if u must. You don't want to be clueless and tearing your hair at 2am in the morning trying to do your lab report. Whatever that is on the board contains important formulas and information!!!! Just copy everything and i meant everything. even spelling mistakes (just kidding). But be forewarned. Stuff on the whiteboard are usually written in the most hideous handwritting on planet earth. Don't say i didn't warn you. The same guys that can't speak properly also can't write for peanuts!!!!
Alternatively a senior's report will suffice......
4) make friends!!!!
don't ever walk alone. Chances are, your friends may know some bits of information you don't know and vice-versa. It will definitely make life easier when you know that help is just a phone call away...... It could save you a few hours of sleep.
5) Google is your best friend
Always use this if you and your friends don't know the answers to any questions. You should know how to use google!!!
Alright, compiled a list of 5 tips. Hopefully its helpful hahahha.
1. Be Prepared
Nothing is more horrifying coming to lab unprepared. Forget about reading the lab manual first. The very first thing you should do is to go through your phone book and call yur friendly seniors. Ask them for their lab reports!!!!! Get those with hight marks, ie at least 8.5 and above! Don't be a dumbass and get one that is 6/10. Then wonder how come your own report has a below average grade. With the report, you can have some reference before u start reading that damn manual. Its as difficult as reading some ancient arabic scriptures. trust me!!!
2. During the lab.
Your lab TA is most probably some useless piece of shit. They all have something in common. Their oral skills in english absolutely sucks to the core. In army, they refer to such people as speaking with a **** in their mouth. Those da lu ppl talk damn loudly on the bus and public places but when it comes to giving instructions or doing a briefing, they speak like mice. As for glks..... most are too lazy to chup you.
Some common mispronoucations you should get used to.....
i) sickness = thickness
" the par-meter t is sickness of the wirar.... "
ii) paradise = parallel
" as you can see, these two wira are paradise..."
iii) repeat = Vb
" u must take the readin for repeat ...."
iv) Cast = ask ; anything = eating
" eating you dunno, can cast me..... "
Well the list is non-exhausive. You will learn more along the way as you go thru more lab sessions. Talk about foreign talent huh....... They always argue whether they make the pie bigger or take away the iceing. In my point of view, most of them would make a good cheesepie !
3) Copy every shit from the whiteboard.
Yes!!! very important. Take a photo of it if u must. You don't want to be clueless and tearing your hair at 2am in the morning trying to do your lab report. Whatever that is on the board contains important formulas and information!!!! Just copy everything and i meant everything. even spelling mistakes (just kidding). But be forewarned. Stuff on the whiteboard are usually written in the most hideous handwritting on planet earth. Don't say i didn't warn you. The same guys that can't speak properly also can't write for peanuts!!!!
Alternatively a senior's report will suffice......
4) make friends!!!!
don't ever walk alone. Chances are, your friends may know some bits of information you don't know and vice-versa. It will definitely make life easier when you know that help is just a phone call away...... It could save you a few hours of sleep.
5) Google is your best friend
Always use this if you and your friends don't know the answers to any questions. You should know how to use google!!!
Alright, compiled a list of 5 tips. Hopefully its helpful hahahha.
Sunday, September 04, 2005
New york City Garbage...

Hey this is pretty cool..... New york city garbage in a cube. A perfect example of how good packaging can sell even useless things like well, erm garbage!
Check out their website at
It will make a good bedroom display item and a nice artistic sovenior from NYC. Also it doesn't leak and stink yur neighbourhood so you won't get into trouble with the pesky govt authorities here.
I nearly fell victim to this marketing technique before i realised that each cube is going for US$50 bucks!!!! MY GOD...... talk about premium collector item's garbage......
Maybe i should start collecting rubbish around Singapore and put them in cubes. Then i can start selling them with a slogan that says
" Garbage from Singapore: Worthless in a cube, $100 fine when on the floor"
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