Monday, August 22, 2005

Of NUS and dress code...

Attempted to follow to the so called NUS dress code that OSA setup god knows since when. There is a notice at the notice board outside the OSA office that gives u more information if u are interested.... Anyway, i wanted to do this as an experiment, so for the first time i wore jeans, shoes and t-shirt to campus in an attempt to be so called "presentable".

Its really not practical in singapores humid weather..... Today i had lessons at engine and science. Walking around campus nearly made me die of heatstroke. Before i even arrived to my first lesson for the day, i am already drenched with sweat. And all the heat is giving mi a headache. So much for looking presentable, sweating like a dog...

Why can't they understand the practicallity of wearing berms and sandals to campus? NUS is so urbanised that it traps alot of heat esp in the afternoon. haha... the idea of a dress code was pretty dumb. Its not as if we are wearing underwear to campus. :P

RUles are meant to be broken if it is obselete or otherwise, stupid.......

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