Sunday, February 11, 2007

The feeling of dread

Monday blues on a Sunday evening? This is something that I had not have for some time now. Its kinda strange. I am dreading something, but WHAT?

It must be the thought of having to spend another day at CICFAR (read SICKfar) lab again tomorrow.

The thought of having to drag myself out of bed at 8am.

The thought of having to plan my tasks and experiments and trying to be as productive as possible again.

The thought of sitting through lectures listening to things that i have no interest for.

The thought of needing to go through corporate pamphlets and websites to look for suitable jobs.

The thought of needing to submit my CV online with no confirmation of even being eligible for an interview.

The thought of the sick, lonely, boring and mind-numbing life of an engineer that awaits me in the next few months.

Sometimes you want to be alone, yet sometimes you can feel alone in a crowd...

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