Thursday, November 24, 2005

exams are OVER!


Finally over... 12 days mad rush to the 4 papers in the exams is too much. I barely had 2 days to study my notes, do my remaining tutorials as well as past year exam papers. Its also the first time since year 1 that i actually went into exams not attempting any past year papers. So basically, the exam questions are the first time that i am tackling engineering problems without the aid of tutorial solutions.

Talk about living life on the edge....... ;)

What did i do immediately after my exams.??? No not sleep, i proceeded on to clean my room!!!! Its really becoming a pig's dent. Ha ha... the amount of dust that i sweeped up is damn alot.
Then i proceeded helping my dear write her cheatsheet. Actually she wrote liao. Then about 4 days before the exam, her lecturer emailed to the class and announced that the cheatsheet can only contain formulas and nothing else....


FUCK LA.... ccb nb knnbccb........ !!!! What sorta nonsense is that. Seriously, if reallie like that shld have fucking say early right like before beginining of the reading week. Fuck that lecturer man..... stupid ass.... know how long she took to write that helpsheet not... took her 2.5 days..... and time is precious during exams period u know.... And yur paper is not the only fucking module she has.... and before yur fuck exam she got 1 more paper the day before as well...... FUCK U MAN. Better wake up your motherfucking idea...... And to that idiot who ask the lecturer what can be included in the cheatsheet. FUck u too... stupid ass .... u stupid cannot think right. This kinda question also can ask. Stupid fool.... maybe its jus yur FUCK UP genes...... u mother fucking cheesepie!!!!! pui~~~~~~~

Sorry.... too angry..... some of the lecturers in this so called worldclass used to be top20 now become top30 university really have no fucking brain to think properly one....... THis is one of the many classic examples......


calm down......................................



Now??? I am a full time gunz player.... still at the noobish lvl8. Must quickly level up so tat at least can fight properly with radeoo and arrowhead. Fighting with them in gunz really tests my reflexes as well as the durability of the "w a s d and spacebar" keys on my keyboard man.... That is reallie too much. I am like trying to fight osama with a butter knife.

Now i am actually waiting for clarence and kenzo to play gunz so that i can frag them ;) woohoo.....
Gunz is so much better than gunbound. Gunbound is turn based..... slow la.... gunz much faster and more exciting.


Anonymous said...

Bang bang bang!

Lalalalala said...

EH where to dl GUNZ?

tell me leh TAG on my board. thanks. Cant find the stupid website on Google.