Friday, October 22, 2004

Memories are always beautiful.....

just finished studying and preparing notes for this coming PE. Tired, spent the whole day trying to understand stuff.

As i was taking time off i suddenly thought of how sometimes... things, events stay in our memories in a way that wonderful memories seemed all so perfect, while painful memories dun seemed that painful as we initially thought it was.

Every little thing that is happening in your life right now all adds up, slowly builds up and paints a picture in our minds. Maybe 20 years down the road we might look back and say... awww... uni life is not that bad... we had plenty of time to play and plenty of friends back then. Hmm, then when u look at the situation now, we are complaining that we are buried under tonnes of tutorials and assignments and we have no time to sleep or socialise. But...... is it really that bad???? Naww..... its a matter of perspective i guess... a perception and how u see life in a different light, focusing on the positive things instead of the negative ones and always complaining and whining that the entire world owes u a living. But of course, we all love to whine and complain at times, its always good to have someone to lend a listening ear...heh heh ....

Don't u notice that sometimes u might have wonderful memories of a place or a particular activity or event. Then u feel nostialgic and try to recreate that memory again by going back to that wonderful place again, tasting that delicious food again or going out and doing that wonderful activity again and then u somehow feel that the magic of it all has somehow been lost or that it doesn't seemed as perfect as before and we get disappointed. How come??? Is it because things are no longer that wonderful now??? or is it because simply that we know what to expect and that our expectations are higher now??? Is it because we always tend to remember the beautiful things instead????

Or somethings, something sad or horrid happens and u felt terrible, sad and depressed. This could go on for days, weeks even months. But somehow, u got over it after awhile and sometime later when u look back, things don't seemed as bad as they were. Maybe because by then u would have seen that there is really light at the end of the tunnel. But during the time, all hope seemed to be lost during the hour of darkness. How true is that??? Or do we subconsciously choose to forget the worst things so that we can tell ourselves to move on and not be haunted by past unpleasant memories???

Are memories always that beautiful, less painful??? After all, many years down the road, when life is coming to its end, when we don't see a way ahead of us anymore, when there is nothing much to look forward to ..... we will only have our memories to hold on to ....... beautiful ones of course....

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