Saturday, May 26, 2007

Milo Dino

Ok so I got bored and decided to make myself a nice cup of Milo dinosaur. Basically, thats a huge, heap of Milo powder on top of your standard milo beverage.

What happens now is that unlike being in a coffeeshop, I have no luxury of a straw. So what I did was to put my lips on the edge of the cup and duh, tried drink my milo the traditional way. What happened next was that I need oxygen and my nose happens to breath in as well and before you know, I was choking with milo dust. Cough......

I can tell you, that was the most unpleasant experience ever. To have milo in your lungs! Chough...wheeeze... choke.... breahhh...
Why do I have this feeling that my life is turning into a comedy sitcom.

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