Sunday, January 28, 2007

Prison Break

This is an ultimately cool and dangerously addictive tv series since LOST. In fact, I am so totally addicted to it that I had finished the whole of season one in a matter of days. Yeah baby, once u press that play button, you just can't stop.

Michael Scofield is such a genius, planning his escape in minute detail. All the painstaking work he did just to get his brother, Lincoln Burrows out of death row. Every character has got their little history, everybody who wants to get out have their own personal reasons.

For LOST, i like the mystery and the suspense. For Prison Break, i love the action and the ingenuity. One thing about Prison Break though, i would prefer it to have a little more character development. Somewhat like LOST. But, then again, every TV series has its own unique draw. Whatever it is, i just can't wait to start watching Prison Break2 and Lost3!!!

This show really makes me feel like robbing the 7-11 store in my neighbourhood with my electric shaver and do my little own prison break out of this place.....
Of course, i will need to google the blueprints for this facility first!!! On 2nd thought, maybe not! Cause i hate needles and probably can't stand tatooing my whole body if, i mean IF i managed to get the blueprints off the net.... Furthermore, there is no Abruzzi in Changi.....

Blah.... Looks like i will just have to be contend with my unexciting life in reality and just continue working on that CV of mine and searching for potential employers on

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