Sunday, May 21, 2006

Downtown east

Chalet at downtown east this weekend with sormui and her family. 100% fun with BBQ, some pool, x-box, mahjong, theme-park. HAhaha...! Even had a potrait of us done on a potrait machine. Supposedly by Leonardo ;)

BBQ was super fun although we really took quite awhile to get the fire started. Dear's dad helped out with a rather unsual idea of putting charcoal on the wire mesh, then put another layer of wire mesh above. According to him, thats for air circulation. The result? We had the fire up in 5 mins, and a little oven like compartment for the corns and sweet potatoes... I am gonna do tat next time too man! There was alot of food. Even with about 12 of us, we still have problem finishing all the food...

The next day, we went to Escape Theme Park. Well, its included in the chalet package... And the best thing of all, all the rides are included too. So we tried some rides here and there and basically jus have an afternoon of fun. Only managed to take 1 photo on top of the ferris wheel. ( can't be taking photos on the vikings or other rides... )

Simple weekend get-aways like these can bring an unexpected amount of fun... haha... At least with activities like these, it will make work during the week less sianz...

Oh no.. its monday tomorrow... sigh.. the blues man ... the blueeessss

1 comment:

Lalalalala said...

enjoy yr 9-5 job, it's going to be hell with internship, just remember to enjoy yr weekends! Tata!